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The MessageList component renders a scrollable list of messages. The UI for each individual message is rendered conditionally based on its message.type value. The list renders date separators, new message notifications, system messages, and standard messages containing text.

By default, the MessageList loads the most recent 20 messages. More messages are fetched from the Chat API and loaded into the DOM on scrolling up the list. The currently loaded messages are held in the component state and can be referenced with our custom hook.

Basic Usage

The MessageList has no required props, and as a context consumer, the MessageList component must be rendered as a child of the Channel component.You can customize the message content with props or ComponentContext and override the default style


If your channelList list is empty, you can create a chat room in createChannel and select it to send messages.


To use a custom Message component:

  1. Passed as the props to Channel, in the custom Message, you need to get the message property through useMessageContext.
  2. Passed as the props to MessageList, you can get the message property from props.


The properties of the Channel are described as follows:

Messageset your custom Message componentReact.ComponentType--