Basic Usage
The properties of the Avatar are described as follows:
Property | Description | Type | Default | required |
className | set class selector | string | - | false |
image | resource address of the image avatar | string | null | - | false |
name | the name of the image, used to set the title | string | - | false |
shape | set the shape | ‘circle’ | 'rounded' | 'square’ | ‘circle’ | false |
size | set the size | number | 32 | false |
style | set the style | React.CSSProperties | - | false |
Onclick | the callback when the avatar is clicked | (event: React.BaseSyntheticEvent) => void | () => undefined | false |
OnMouseOver | the callback when the mouse hovers the avatar | (event: React.BaseSyntheticEvent) => void | () => undefined | false |