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API endpoint


  • Contact

    • Send friend request
    • User Follow someone
    • Get my follower list
    • Get my following list
  • Group

    • List of groups i have joined
    • Get group member list
    • Create group
    • Join group
    • Invitation to join the group
  • Chat

    • Get my chat list
  • Message

    • Get history messages

Websocket API list

  • Connect Command
  • Send Message
  • Receive Message

You can use Web3MQ JSSDK or build protobuf yourself

Connect Command protobuf

syntax = "proto3";

// msgSign = ed25519 private key signing(nodeId + userId + timestamp)

message ConnectCommand {
string nodeId = 1;
string userId = 2;
uint64 timestamp = 3;
string msgSign = 4;

Message protobuf

syntax = "proto3";

message Web3MQRequestMessage {
bytes payload = 1;
string contentTopic = 2;
uint32 version = 3;
string comeFrom = 4;
string fromSign = 5;
string payloadType = 6;
string cipherSuite = 7;
bool needStore = 8;
uint64 timestamp = 9;
string messageId = 10;

Create Websocket Connect

javascript example

const WS_PROTOCOL = 'wss'; // ws or wss

const HostURL = 'us-west-2.web3mq'; // choose one domain

const GetWSConn = () => {
const wsurl = WS_PROTOCOL + '://' + HostURL + '/messages';
const wsconn = new WebSocket(wsurl);
wsconn.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'; // !important Web3MQ send message use protobuf
return wsconn;

const GetContactBytes = (command: any, bytes: Uint8Array) => {
// client category type
const categoryType = 10;
const concatArray = new Uint8Array([categoryType, command, ...bytes]);

return concatArray;

Send connect command

// pb/connect build from protobuf file
import { ConnectCommand } from 'pb/connect';

// connect command type
const PbTypeConnectReqCommand = 0b00000010;

let wsconn;
wsconn = GetWSConn();

// signature = ed25519 private key signing(nodeId + userId + timestamp)
let reqCmd: ConnectCommand = {
nodeId: nodeId,
userId: userId,
timestamp: ts,
msgSign: signature,

let bytes = ConnectCommand.toBinary(reqCmd);

Receive connect response

more ProtoType see ProtoType docs

const PbTypeConnectRespCommand = 0b00000011;

let wsconn;
wsconn = GetWSConn();

wsconn.onmessage = function (event) {
var respData = new Uint8Array(;

const PbType = respData[1];
const bytes = respData.slice(2, respData.length);

if (PbType == PbTypeConnectRespCommand) {
console.log('Connect success');

Send message

// pb/message build from protobuf file
import { Web3MQRequestMessage } from 'pb/message';

// message proto type
const PbTypeMessage = 0b00010000;

let wsconn;
wsconn = GetWSConn();

var payload = new TextEncoder().encode('hello web3mq');

let msgReq: Web3MQRequestMessage = {
payload: payload,
contentTopic: topic,
version: 1,
comeFrom: userId,
fromSign: fromSign,
payloadType: 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
cipherSuite: 'NONE',
needStore: needStore,
timestamp: BigInt(timestamp),
messageId: msgid,

let bytes = Web3MQRequestMessage.toBinary(msgReq);

const GetContactBytes = (command: any, bytes: Uint8Array) => {
// client category type
const categoryType = 10;
const concatArray = new Uint8Array([categoryType, command, ...bytes]);

return concatArray;

const concatArray = GetContactBytes(PbTypeMessage, bytes);


Receive message

// pb/message build from protobuf file
import { Web3MQRequestMessage } from 'pb/message';

// message proto type
const PbTypeMessage = 0b00010000;

let wsconn;
wsconn = GetWSConn();

wsconn.onmessage = function (event) {
var respData = new Uint8Array(;

const PbType = respData[1];
const bytes = respData.slice(2, respData.length);

if (PbType == PbTypeMessage) {
console.log('Receive message');