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Integrating the SDK


Before you run your project, make sure that your development environment is provided with:

  • Xcode 11
  • iOS 13.0 or later


Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler.

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding Web3MQSDK as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
.package(url: "[email protected]:Generative-Labs/Web3MQ-iOS.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.1.0"))

Initial the SDK

For an AppId, see detail:

import DappConnect

extension DappClient {
static let shared = DappConnectClient(appId: "{Your AppID}", metadata: AppMetadata)

public struct AppMetadata: Codable, Equatable, Hashable {

/// The name of the app.
public let name: String?

/// A brief textual description of the app that can be displayed to peers.
public let description: String?

/// The URL string that identifies the official domain of the app.
public let url: String?

/// An array of URL strings pointing to the icon assets on the web.
public let icons: [String]?

/// Redirect links which could be manually used on wallet side
public let redirect: String?

For Wallet

Receiving Session proposal

// 1. register a session proposal subsciber  
DappConnectClient.shared.sessionProposalPublisher.sink { proposal in
// handle the proposal

// should present a model to show that proposal, and user can
// choose approve or reject.

// 2. in case approve. you should prepare your `SessionNamespaces` which is
// the namespaces your wallet supports.

try await DappConnectClient.shared.approve(, sessionNamespaces)

// 3. in case reject.
try await DappConnectClient.shared.reject(


// when receives a deeplink
let uri = DappMQURI(string: urlString)
let DappConnectClient.shared.pair(URI: uri)

Receiving Request

DappConnectClient.shared.requestPublishser.sink { request in 
// handle the request
switch request.method {
case "personal_sign":
// as a sign request, the params should be a string array
// which presents [message, address, password]
let params = try? request.params.get([String].self)

// call your sign function and get the signature
let signature = yourSign(params)

// then send response
DappConnectClient.shared.sendResponse(froRequest: requeset, result: signature)

Sending response

try await DappConnectClient.shared.sendResponse(forRequest: request, result: AnyCodable)

For Dapp

Sending Session Proposal

Before you can send request to the wallet, you need to offer a SessionProposal to the wallet by calling this:

let session = try await DappConnectClient.shared.connectWallet()

Above code will generates a SessionProposal (which supports CAIPs ) and send it to a wallet via deepLink. If wallet approved the proposal, the function returns with a Session object, otherwise throws RPCError which contains a error code and message. If wallet side did nothing for 3 minutes, the function throws a TimeoutError .

Session List

let sessions = DappConnectClient.shared.sessions

Sending Request

// 1. prepare your request content, could be any obejct which inherits `Codable`
let params = "just a string"
let method = "anyname"

// get the topic from `session.topic`
let topic = ""
try await DappConnectClient.shared.sendRequest(method: method, params: Anycodable(params), topic: topic)

Receiving Response

DappConnectClient.shared.responsePublisher.sink { response in 
// handle the repsonse


we provider a convince function for personal_sign , so you can easily get the signature.

do {
let signature = try await DappConnectClient.shared.personalSign(message: message, address: address, password: nil, topic: topic)

} catch is TimeoutError {
// handle timeout error

} catch DappMQError.invalidSession {
// handle sesion expire error

} catch {
// handle others error

Pending Requests

Get all requests without response. You may need to resend that requests.

let pendingRequests = DappConnectClient.shared.pendingRequests