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Notification is a special type of message that can be marked as read and queried. Currently, there are the following types of notifications:

  • NotificationType.subscription:Subscription message
  • NotificationType.receivedFriendRequest:Received friend request
  • NotificationType.sendFriendRequest:Sent friend request
  • NotificationType.groupInvitation:Group invitation message
  • NotificationType.provider:Provider information


Subscribe a topic with topicId, then you can receive notifications from that topic.

try await ChatClient.default.subscribeTopic("topicId")


You can use the following method to subscribe notifications from the web3mq server.

ChatClient.default.notificationPublisher.sink { notifications in 
// handle the notifications.

Read Status

Mark the notification as read.

ChatClient.default.updateNotificationStatus(notificationsIds, status: notificationStatus);

public enum NotificationStatus: String {
case received
case delivered
case read


You can query all historical notifications by types and pagination.

Page<Notification> res = await client.queryNotifications(type, pagination);