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Get Group List

Use the groupList method to get a list of groups.

let page = try await ChatClient.default.groupList(pageCount: 1, pageSize: 30)

Create Group

Use the createGroup method to create a group.

let group = try await ChatClient.default.createGroup(groupName: "", avatarUrl: "")

Get Group Members

Use the groupMemberList method to get a list of members in a group.

let members = try await ChatClient.default.groupMemberList(groupId, pageCount: 1, pageSize: 30)

Invite User to Group

Use the groupInviteUser method to invite a user to a group.

try await ChatClient.default.groupInviteUser(userIds, join: "groupId");

Get Group Info

Use the groupInfo method to get the information of a group.

let group = try await ChatClient.default.groupInfo(groupId: "");

Joining Group

comming soon

Quit Group

comming soon

Updating group permissions

comming soon