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Heartbeat Ping/Pong

Keep websocket connection alive

Websocket client can send WebsocketPingCommand once every 60 seconds to keep connection alive

syntax = "proto3";

package pb;

message WebsocketPingCommand {
optional string nodeId = 1;
optional string userId = 2;
optional uint64 timestamp = 3;
optional string msgSign = 4;

message WebsocketPongCommand {
optional string nodeId = 1;
optional string userId = 2;
optional uint64 timestamp = 3;
optional string msgSign = 4;

Send ping data

import { WebsocketPingCommand } from "@/pb/heartbeat";

const WS_PROTOCOL = 'wss'; // ws or wss

const HostURL = ''; // choose one domain

const PbTypePingCommand = 0b10000000;

const GetContactBytes = (command: any, bytes: Uint8Array) => {
// client category type
const categoryType = 10;
const concatArray = new Uint8Array([categoryType, command, ...bytes]);

return concatArray;

const GetWSConn = () => {
const wsurl = WS_PROTOCOL + '://' + HostURL + '/messages';
const wsconn = new WebSocket(wsurl);
wsconn.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'; // !important Web3MQ send message use protobuf
return wsconn;

let wsconn = GetWSConn();

const ClientPingHandler = (NodeId: string) => {
const timestamp =;

const reqCommand: WebsocketPingCommand = {
timestamp: BigInt(timestamp),
let bytes = WebsocketPingCommand.toBinary(reqCommand);

const concatArray = GetContactBytes(PbTypePingCommand, bytes);
