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AS The Tabs component, DashBoard renders ChannelListContactListNotificationList and Profile by default when no props are passed, it gets showListTypeView property that the current type of tab panel through the useChatContext, and cannot be used outside the Chat component.

Basic Usage

Use Custom Props

You can customize the Tab content and use it with defaultType to activate the type of Tab content. And you can also pass the ChannelHead as props to define the fixed header of DashBord.



type TabType = {
title: string;
icon: React.ReactNode;
type: string;
component: React.ReactNode;
ChannelHeadcustom ChannelHead componentReact.ComponentType-false
defaultTypeinitializes the type of the selected panelString'room'false
MobileTabMapstab contents when appType is h5TabType-false
PCTabMapstab contents when appType is pcTabType-false