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The Channel component is a React Context provider that wraps all of the logic, functionality, and UI for an individual chat channel. It provides three separate contexts to its children:

  • ChannelStateContext - stateful data (ex: activeChannel)
  • ChannelActionContext - action handlers (ex: sendMessage or openThread)
  • ComponentContext - custom component UI overrides (ex: Input or Message)

Basic Usage

The Channel component does not inject any UI, so its implementation is fairly simple.The Channel component listens for the channel.activeChange event and captures the latest activeChannel for its child components to fetch via ChannelStateContext.


If your channelList list is empty, you can create a chat room in createChannel.

Custom Input

In the channel component, you can pass in an Input component with custom styles and functionality, where you can get the sendMessage method through the useMessageInputContext method.


The Input property of 'channel' has a lower priority than the Input property of 'MessageInput', and it is recommended to pass in as the Input property of 'MessageInput'.

 const { sendMessage } = useMessageInputContext();

Custom Message

If you want to display a custom list of messages, you can pass the custom Message component as a parameter in the channel, and the MessageList will iterate through the Message component, and you can get the corresponding message in the component via the useMessageContext method.

const { message } = useMessageContext();

How to use custom Component Example


Any child of the Channel component has access to the channelStateContext and componentContext. Each React Context in the component library can be accessed with one of our custom hooks, which must be imported individually.

const { activeChannel } = useChannelStateContext();


const { Message, Input } = useComponentContext();



The properties of the Channel are described as follows:

Inputset your custom Input componentReact.ComponentType-false
Messageset your custom Message componentReact.ComponentType-false

useChannelStateContext data

activeChannelcurrent active channelChannelItemType--

useComponentContext data

Inputset custom MessageInput componentReact.Component--
Messageset custom Message componentReact.Component--