Channel List
The ChannelListViewController
is the UI component used to display a list of channels matching the given query.
Basic Usage
The first step to show the channel list screen in your app is to create ChannelListViewController
// Create a view controller backed by the filter
let channelListViewController = ChannelListViewController(filter: Filter)
UI Customization
Channel Header
The header of the channel can be configured the same way you would configure it on a UIViewControlle
class ViewController: ChannelListViewController {
/// ...
override open func setUpAppearance() {
title = "Chats"
/// ...
Channel List Controller
The channel list component uses the ChannelListController
to fetch the list of channels matching your query and to stay up-to-date with all changes. In the example above you can see that we are passing a ChannelListQuery
object to create the controller. Web3MQ APIs allow you to list channels based on your own query and sort.
Channel List Query
The ChannelListQuery
is the structure used for specifiying the query parameters for fetching the list of channels from Web3MQ backend. It has 4 parameters in it's init
public init(
filter: Filter<ChannelListFilterScope>,
sort: [Sorting<ChannelListSortingKey>] = [],
pageSize: Int = .channelsPageSize,
messagesLimit: Int = .messagesPageSize
Let's dive deep into each one.****
Filter is the main parameter for a query. You can define different filters to fetch different sets of channels for a user. Examples of some most commonly used filters:
// Assume we've already created and configured our ChatClient
// Filter for channels where our user is a member
let filter = Filter<ChannelListFilterScope>.containMembers(userIds: [client.currentUserId!])
// Filter for channels where the name starts with "Group"
let filter = Filter<ChannelListFilterScope>.autocomplete(.name, text: "Group")
// Compound Filter for channels where team is read and our user is a member
let filter = Filter<ChannelListFilterScope>.and([.equal(.team, to: "read"),
.containMembers(userIds: [client.currentUserId!])])
Sorting parameter is used to sort the list of channels returned. By default, Channel List will be sorted by their last message date (or channel creation date, if the channel is empty). Most commonly, you don't need to specify any sorting, Web3MQ handles this. If you'd like, you can create custom sortings, such as:
// Sorting for always showing most crowded channels first
let sorting: [Sorting<ChannelListSortingKey>] = [.init(key: .memberCount, isAscending: true),
.init(key: .lastMessageAt, isAscending: true)]
Page size is used to specify how many channels the initial page will show. You can specify an integer value for advanced usecases. Most commonly, you don't need to touch this.
Message Limit
is used to specify how many messages the initial fetch will return.