Type List
name | type | format | desc | eg |
EventTypes | "all" | EVENT_MAP | - | event types in event center | "channel.getList" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
code | object | - | response status code | 0 |
data | string | - | response body | {user: xx} |
msg | number | - | response status description | "ok" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
page | number | - | current page number | 1 |
size | number | - | number of data items per page | 20 |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
PrivateKey | string | temporaryPrivateKey | temporary private key of the current user | |
PublicKey | string | temporaryPublicKey | temporary public key of the current user | |
userid | string | userid | id of the current user | 'user: xxx' |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
didType | "eth" | "starknet" | didType | did type | "eth" or "starknet" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
didValue | string | didValue | The account address corresponding to didType | "0x000000" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
WalletType | "metamask" | "dappConnect" | 'argentX' | 'braavos' | - | wallet type | "metamask" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
BlockChainType | "eth" | "starknet" | BlockChainType | wallet address | "eth" or "starknet" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
address | string | walletAddress | wallet address of the current user | '0x000000' |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
app_key | string | - | temporary authorization key obtained by applying | |
connectUrl | string | null | Web3MQAPiEndpoints | takes in a valid endpoint url as input, when this paramter is given, client will always connect to that specific node | https://testnet-ap-jp-2.web3mq.com |
didKey | string | didType:didvalue | didType and didValue collection | 'eth:0x000000' |
env | EnvTypes | - | network environment | 'test' |
tempPubkey | string | temporaryPublicKey | temporary public key of the current user |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
dAppID | string | - | dApp id of user | - |
topicID | string | - | Logo for connection | - |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
data | "success"|"error"|"close"|object | - | Callback return data | "success" |
type | "createQrcode" | "connect" | "messageStatus" | "keys" | "dapp-connect" | - | Callback return type | "connect" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
didType | 'web3mq' | didType | 'web3mq' | didType | did type | "eth" |
didValue | didValue | didValue | did value,for example, wallet address | "0x000000" |
timestamp | number | - | time stamp | Date.now() |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
EnvTypes | "dev" | "test" | - | network environment | "test" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
avatar_url | string | - | current channel avatar resources | https://www.xxx.com |
chat_name | string | - | current channel name | "channel name" |
chat_type | string | - | current channel type | "user" or "group" |
chatid | string | - | current channel id | "user: xxx" or "group:xxx" |
topic | string | - | current channel id | "user: xxx" or "group:xxx" |
topic_type | string | - | current channel type | "user" or "group" |
lastMessage | string | - | last message in the current channel | "content of last message" |
updatedAt | string | - | time of the last message in the current chat room | "2023-02-01 00:00:00" |
unread | number | - | number of unread messages in the current chat room | 0 |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
chain_type | string: 'starknet' | starknet | chain type | starknet |
chain_id | string | - | chain id | SN_GOERLI |
contract | string | - | nft collection contract address | "0x00000" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
avatarUrl | string | - | select the avatar resource for the group channel | https://www.xxx.com |
groupid | string | - | customize a group channel id | "group: xxx" |
groupName | string | - | enter the group channel name | "channel name" |
permissions | GroupPermissions | - | group channel permissions | {"group:join": {type: "enum",value: "public"}} |
nfts | NftPermissionType[] | - | Required to hold nfts | [{"chain_id":"SN_GOERLI","chain_type":"starknet","contract":"0xd29f5f02f5ffcd102faf467f2f236c601830780d"}] |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
chatid | string | - | the id of the chat room to be updated | "group:xx" or "user:xx" |
chatType | string | - | the type of the chat room to be updated | "group" or "user" |
topic | string | - | the id of the chat room to be updated | "group:xx" or "user:xx" |
topicType | string | - | the type of the chat room to be updated | "group" or "user" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
groupid | string | - | group channel id | "group:xx" |
permissions | GroupPermissions | - | group channel permissions | {"group:join": {type: "enum",value: "public"}} |
nfts | NftPermissionType[] | - | Required to hold nfts | [{"chain_id":"SN_GOERLI","chain_type":"starknet","contract":"0xd29f5f02f5ffcd102faf467f2f236c601830780d"}] |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
type | "enum" | - | The type of group to join in group permissions | "enum" |
value | "creator_invite_friends" | "public" | - | The value of group to join in group permissions | "public" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
group:join | JoinGroupPermissionsType | - | Group channel permission type | {"group:join": {type: "enum",value: "public"}} |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
type | "enum" | - | Chat permission type in user permissions | "enum" |
value | "public"|"follower"|"following"|"friends" | - | Chat permission value in user permissions | "public" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
user: chat | UserChatPermissionsType | - | chat permission in user permisson | {'user: chat': {type: "enum",value: "public"}} |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
avatar_url | string | - | contactL avatar resources | https://www.xxx.com |
follow_status | FollowStatus | - | follow status with contact | "channel name" |
nickname | string | - | nickname of contact | |
permissions | UserPermissionsType | - | permissions of contact | {'user: chat': {type: "enum",value: "public"}} |
userid | string | userid | userid of contact | "user: xxx" |
wallet_address | string | walletAddress | wallet address of contact | "0x000000" |
wallet_type | WalletType | walletType | wallet type of contact | "eth" or "starknet" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
avatar_url | string | - | contactL avatar resources | https://www.xxx.com |
create_at | number | - | user create at | 1695803377572 |
nickname | string | - | nickname of contact | |
userid | string | userid | userid of contact | "user: xxx" |
wallet_address | string | walletAddress | wallet address of contact | "0x000000" |
wallet_type | WalletType | walletType | wallet type of contact | "eth" or "starknet" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
FollowStatus | 'following' | 'follower' | 'follow_each' | - | follow status type | "follow_each" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
address | string | walletAddress | wallet address | "0x000000" |
action | "follow" | "cancel" | - | follow or unfollow | "follow" |
didType | didType | didType | did type | "eth" |
targetUserid | string | userid | userid of the target user | "user:xxx" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
content | string | - | published content | - |
title | string | - | published title | - |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
MessageStatus | "delivered" | "read" | - | message status | "delivered" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
cipher_suite | string | - | Encryption Type | "NONE" |
from | userid | - | message sender user id | "user: xxx" |
topic | string | - | current channel if | "group: xxx"| "user: xxx" |
from_sign | string | - | from signature | - |
messageid | string | - | message id | - |
payload_type | string | - | payload type | - |
timestamp | number | - | time stamp | - |
message_status | MessageStatus | - | message status | - |
payload | string | - | payload base64 encode content | - |
versions | number | - | versions | - |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
userid | string | userid | userid of user | "user: xxx" |
wallet_address | string | walletAddress | wallet address | "0x000000" |
wallet_type | WalletType | walletType | wallet type | "eth" or "starknet" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
avatar_url | string | - | avatar resource | https://www.xxx.com |
nickname | string | - | nickname | - |
userid | string | userid | userid of user | "user:xxx" |
wallet_address | string | walletAddress | wallet address | "0x000000" |
wallet_type | WalletType | walletType | userid of user | "eth" or "starknet" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
did_type | didType | didType | did type | "eth" |
did_value | didValue | didValue | did value,for example, wallet address | "0x000000" |
did_action | string | - | action of did | - |
did_content | string | - | content of did | - |
provider_id | 'web3mq:lens.xyz'| 'web3mq: email:SwapChat'|'web3mq:sms:SwapChat'|'web3mq:ens:SwapChat'|'web3mq:dotbit:SwapChat' | - | provider id | 'web3mq:lens.xyz' |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
did_type | didType | didType | did type | "eth" |
did_value | didValue | didValue | did value,for example, wallet address | "0x000000" |
provider_id | 'web3mq:lens.xyz' | 'web3mq: email:SwapChat' |'web3mq:sms:SwapChat'|'web3mq:ens:SwapChat'|'web3mq:dotbit:SwapChat' | - | provider id | 'web3mq:lens.xyz' |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
permissions | UserPermissionsType | - | user permissions | {'user: chat': {type: "enum",value: "public"}} |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
title | string | - | title of notification | - |
content | string | - | content of notification | - |
type | "system.friend_request"|"system.agree_friend_request"|"system.group_invitation"|"subscription" | - | type of notification | - |
timestamp | number | - | time stamp of notification | - |
version | number | - | version of notification | - |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
topicid | string | - | id of the subscribed topic | - |
create_at | number | - | the create time of the subscribed topic | - |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
create_at | number | - | the create time of the topic | - |
topicid | string | - | id of topic | - |
topic_name | string | - | the name of the topic | - |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
content | string | - | content of the pushed topic | - |
topicid | string | - | id of the pushed topic | - |
title | string | - | title of the pushed topic | - |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
topicid | string | - | id of the topic | - |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
publicKey | string | temporaryPublicKey | temporary public key | - |
sign | string | walletSign | wallet sign | - |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
did_type | WalletType | WalletType | wallet type | "metamask" |
did_value | didValue | didValue | wallet address | "0x000000" |
password | string | - | password of user | - |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
didType | WalletType | WalletType | wallet type | "metamask" |
didValue | didValue | didValue | did value,for example, wallet address | "0x000000" |
mainPublicKey | string | PublicKey | master public key | - |
signContentURI | string | - | url of the current page | window.location.origin |
userid | string | userid | useid of user | "user:xxx" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
signContent | string | signContent | content of sign | - |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
didValue | didValue | didValue | did value,for example, wallet address | "0x000000" |
signContent | string | signContent | conent of sign | - |
signType | 'get_Keys_For_Login' | 'get_keys_For_Register' | 'register' | - | type of sign | 'register' |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
dAppID | string | - | dApp id of user | - |
wsUrl | string | Web3mqApiEndpoints | ws url of Web3MQ nodes | wss://testnet-ap-aj-2.web3mq.com/ |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
didType | WalletType | WalletType | wallet type | "metamask" |
didValue | didValue | didValue | did value,for example, wallet address | "0x000000" |
mainPrivateKey | string | PrivateKey | master private key | - |
mainPublicKey | string | PublicKey | master public key | - |
password | string | - | Login password | - |
pubkeyExpiredTimestamp | number | - | the expiration time of the temporary key pair | - |
userid | string | userid | useid of user | "user:xxx" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
avatar_base64 | string | - | avatar resource is in base64 format | - |
avatar_url | string | - | avatar resource | - |
did_pubkey | string | temporaryPublicKey | temporary public key | - |
didType | WalletType | WalletType | wallet type | "metamask" |
didValue | didValue | didValue | did value,for example, wallet address | "0x000000" |
mainPublicKey | string | PublicKey | master public key | - |
nickname | string | - | nickname | - |
signature | string | signature | content of sign | - |
userid | string | userid | useid of user | "user:xxx" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
did_type | didType | didType | did type | "eth" |
did_value | didValue | didValue | did value,for example, wallet address | "0x000000" |
userid | string | userid | useid of user | "user:xxx" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
mainPrivateKey | string | PrivateKey | master private key | - |
mainPublicKey | string | PublicKey | master public key | - |
tempPrivateKey | string | temporaryPrivateKey | temporary private key | - |
tempPublicKey | string | temporaryPublicKey | temporary public key | - |
pubkeyExpiredTimestamp | number | - | the expiration time of the temporary key pair | - |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
userid | string | userid | useid of user | "user:xxx" |
userExist | boolean | - | whether the user exists | true |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
secretKey | string | PrivateKey | master private key | - |
publicKey | string | PublicKey | master public key | - |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
avatar_base64 | string | - | avatar resource is in base64 format | - |
avatar_url | string | - | avatar resource | - |
did_type | didType | didType | did type | "eth" |
did_value | didValue | didValue | did value,for example, wallet address | "0x000000" |
nickname | string | - | nickname | - |
password | string | - | Login password | - |
signature | string | signature | content of sign | - |
userid | string | userid | useid of user | "user:xxx" |
name | type | format | desc | eg |
mainPrivateKey | string | PrivateKey | master private key | - |
mainPublicKey | string | PublicKey | master public key | - |