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Standard List


Type of account bound to web3mq.Only 'eth' and 'starknet' wallets are currently supported.

// 1. if you connect eth wallet
const didType = "eth";
// 2. if you conncet starknet wallet;
const didType = "starknet";


address of account bound to web3mq.Currently only eth and starknet wallet addresses on the public chain are supported.

import { connect } from "get-starknet";
// 1. if you connect eth wallet
const didValue = window.ethereum.selectedAddress;

// 2. if you conncet starknet wallet;
const starknet = await connect();
if (!starknet) {
const [didType] = await starknet.enable();

Master PrivateKey

The master privete key is the key generated by signature with js-sha256, and then the final string is encrypted with AES-GCM.

import { Client } from "@web3mq/client";
const { secretKey: privateKey } = Cleint.register.getMainKeypair({
password: "your enter password",
did_type: "your did type",
did_value: "your did value",

Master PublicKey

The master public key is the key generated by signature with js-sha256, and then the string generated by @noble/ed25519.

import { Client } from "@web3mq/client";
const { publicKey } = Cleint.register.getMainKeypair({
password: "your enter password",
did_type: "your did type",
did_value: "your did value",

Sign Content

Sign Content of Master Keypair

signature content in the form of a string consisting of password, did_value, did_type is used to generate the master key pair

import { Client } from "@web3mq/client";
const { signContent } = await Client.register.getMainKeypairSignContent({
password: "your enter password",
did_value: "your did value",
did_type: "your did type",

Sign Content of Register

The signature body used for registration is passed as a string consisting of mainPublicKey, didType, didvalue, userid, signContentURI.

import { Client } from "@web3mq/client";
const { signContent } = await Client.register.getRegisterSignContent({
mainPublicKey: "your master public key",
didType: "your did type",
didValue: "your did type",
userid: "your userid",
signContentURI: window.location.origin,

Temporary PrivateKey

Generate the temporary private key in hex string format using @noble/ed25519.

import ed from "@noble/ed25519";

let privateObj = ed.utils.randomPrivateKey();
let TempPrivateKey = Array.from(privateObj, (byte: any) =>
("0" + (byte & 0xff).toString(16)).slice(-2)

Temporary PublicKey

Generate the temporary public key in hex string format using @noble/ed25519.

import ed from "@noble/ed25519";

let privateObj = ed.utils.randomPrivateKey();
let pubkeyObj = await ed.getPublicKey(privateObj);
let TempPublicKey = Array.from(pubkeyObj, (byte: any) =>
("0" + (byte & 0xff).toString(16)).slice(-2)


String starting with user: encrypted by did_type + did_value + timestamp with sha3_224

import { sha3_224 } from "js-sha3";
const timestamp =;
const did_type = "eth";
const did_value = window.ethereum.selectedAddress;
const userid = `user:${sha3_224(did_type + did_value + timestamp)}`;

Web3MQ API Endpoints

During this initial testing phase, we've hosted complete networks of Web3MQ nodes in different regions around the globe. Connect to these endpoints below, to access the Web3MQ Testnet.



  • wss://
  • wss://
  • wss://
  • wss://
  • wss://
  • wss://

Wallet Address

The wallet address on the public chain, currently only eth and starknet wallet addresses are supported.

import { Client } from "@web3mq/client";
const didValue = await Cleint.register.getAccount("your wallet type");

Wallet Sign

Get the signature by evoking the Client.sign method with signContent, address and walletType.Currently only eth and starknet wallet signatures are supported.

import { Client } from '@web3mq/client';
const { sign } = Client.register.sign(signContent: 'your sign content',address: 'your enter wallet address',walletType: 'your enter wallet type');

BlockChain Type

The wallet type on the public chain, currently only eth and starknet type wallets are supported.

// 1. if you connect eth wallet
const wallet_type = "eth";
// 2. if you conncet starknet wallet;
const wallet_type = "starknet";