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  1. Add this to your package’s pubspec.yaml file
web3dart: ^2.6.1
eth_sig_util: ^0.0.9

then run flutter packages get

  1. Create a class with above code, you need to modify the code to setup for your own PrivateKey
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';

import 'package:eth_sig_util/eth_sig_util.dart';
import 'package:eth_sig_util/util/utils.dart';
import 'package:web3dart/web3dart.dart';
import 'package:web3mq/web3mq.dart' as web3mq;

class InnerWalletConnector implements web3mq.WalletConnector {
// It's the testing account, the password of this account is 123123,
// you can replace your own private key here for testing.
// Warning: care for your private key!
static const String _thePrivateKey =

final _InnerWallet _wallet = _InnerWallet.fromPrivateKey(_thePrivateKey);

Future<web3mq.Wallet> connectWallet() async {
return _wallet;

Future<String> personalSign(String message, String address,
{String? password}) async {
final messageData = utf8.encode(message);
final concat = Uint8List.fromList(messageData);
String signature = EthSigUtil.signPersonalMessage(
privateKey: _wallet.privateKey, message: concat);
return Future.value(signature);

class _InnerWallet extends web3mq.Wallet {
String privateKey;

String get address => _getAddressFromPrivateKey(privateKey);


/// The _InnerWallet only support eip155:1 chain.
: super(['eip155:1:${_getAddressFromPrivateKey(privateKey)}']);

static String _getAddressFromPrivateKey(String privateKey) {
return EthPrivateKey(Uint8List.fromList(hexToBytes(privateKey)))