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Channel List

Listening to the Channel List

You can keep track of the list of channels by listening to the channelsStream event:

client.state.channelsStream.listen((event) {
// handle the channel list

Querying Offline Channels

To query channels from persistenceClient, use the queryChannelsOffline method:

final page = await client.queryChannelsOffline(pagination);

Querying Online Channels

To query channels from remote server, use the queryChannelsOnline method:

final page = await client.queryChannelsOnline(pagination);

Listening to Channel Queries

The queryChannels method returns a stream of channel models, which can be paginated using the Pagination object. If the channels have already been queried, the method returns them from a cache. Otherwise, it first queries the offline channels and yields them if they are not empty. It then starts an online query and yields the channels from that query once it completes. If the online query fails and there are no local channels, the method throws an error.

client.queryChannels(pagination).listen( (event) {
// handle the channels

Adding a Channel

To add a channel, use the addChannel method, providing the topic, topic type, channel ID, and channel type:

await client.addChannel(topic, topicType, channelId, channelType);


Sending message

To send a text message, call the sendText method with the message text and the ID of the topic.

client.sendText('hello, world!', topicId, needStore: false);

If you want to send a message to a thread, then threadId is required. Otherwise, it can be left null.

client.sendText('hello, world!', topicId, threadId);

By default, the needStore parameter is set to true, which means that the message will be stored on the web3mq network and can be retrieved using the queryMessagesByTopic method. If you set needStore to false, the message will not be stored on the network.

Note: that setting needStore to true may incur additional fees for the message sender. For more information, please consult with the sales team.

Message sending status

To receive updates on the message sending status, listen to the messageUpdated event:

client.on(EventType.messageUpdated).listen((event) {
// handle the message status update
final status = event.messageStatusResponse;

Receiving new messages

To receive new messages, listen to the newMessageStream event:

client.newMessageStream.listen((message) {
// handle the message.

Query the message list

To query the message list from remote server, call the queryMessagesByTopic method with the ID of the topic and a pagination object:

final messageList = await client.queryMessagesByTopic(topicId, pagination);

Note: queryLocalMessagesByTopic method retrieves the cached messages from the persistenceClient.

final messageList = await client.queryLocalMessagesByTopic(topicId)


Create Thread

To create a thread, call the createThreadByMessage method with the ID of the original message, the ID of the topic, and the name of the thread:

client.createThreadByMessage(messageId, 'topicId', 'threadName');

Thread List

To query the list of threads by given topic.

final list = await client.threadListByTopic('topicId');